This wiki article aims to gather basic information in one place. It is for beginner maintainers in Alt. This article does not claim to be complete. Its purpose is to provide the basics. Advanced topics on package building may be covered in other specialized articles. Additionally, experienced maintainers may consider giving lessons to beginners. This article can also be viewed as a reference guide.
Since this is a wiki and not an article on my personal website, other people can edit it.
I do not welcome the following.
- Text in Russian.
- Informal language (slang).
- Alternative viewpoints compared to those described in this article.
I welcome.
- Adding new examples.
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- Correcting errors.
Setting up the build environment
$ ssh-keygen -t ED25519 $ gpg --gen-key $ gpg --armor --export ulysses@altlinux.org > public.gpg
# apt-get install vim git hasher hasher-priv gear gcc make python patch rpmdevtools rpm-utils rpm-build rpmlint rpm-build-licenses github2spec strace valgrind gdb
$ gpg --list-secret-keys ------------------------------ sec 1024D/835560D9 2023-05-15 uid Ulysses Apokin <ulysses@altlinux.org>
$ git config --global user.name 'Ulysses Apokin' $ git config --global user.email 'ulysses@altlinux.org' $ git config --global user.signingkey '835560D9'
# hasher-useradd ulysses # exit $ pkill -9 -u ulysses
$ mkdir ~/.hasher
$ vim ~/.hasher/config
$ cat ~/.hasher/config # HASHER-USERADD USERNAME USER=$USER # PATH TO WORKDIR workdir=/tmp/.private/$USER # TARGET ARCHITECTURE target=x86_64 # OVERRIDE DEFAULT RPM PACKAGER TAG packager='Ulysses Apokin <ulysses@altlinux.org>' # PATH TO CUSTOM APT.CONF FILE apt_config=$HOME/.hasher/branch.sisyphus-apt.conf # DO NOT RUN SISYPHUS_CHECK TESTS sisyphus_check=--no-check-gpg,--no-check-perms # SAVE FAKEROOT STATE save_fakeroot=1 # NO CLEANUP BUILD ENVIRONMENT lazy_cleanup=1 # EVERY BUILD DEPENDENCY THAT BELONGS TO THIS LIST WILL BE MOUNTED known_mountpoints=/dev/pts/,/proc
$ vim ~/.hasher/sisyphus.source.list
$ cat ~/.hasher/sisyphus.source.list rpm [alt] http://ftp.altlinux.org/pub/distributions ALTLinux/Sisyphus/x86_64 classic rpm [alt] http://ftp.altlinux.org/pub/distributions ALTLinux/Sisyphus/noarch classic rpm [alt] http://ftp.altlinux.org/pub/distributions ALTLinux/Sisyphus/x86_64-i586 classic
$ vim ~/.hasher/branch.sisyphus-apt.conf
$ cat ~/.hasher/branch.sisyphus-apt.conf Dir::Etc::SourceList "/home/ulysses/.hasher/sisyphus.source.list"; Dir::Etc::SourceParts "/var/empty";
$ LANG=C gpg --fingerprint 835560D9 | grep 'fingerprint =' | tr -d ' ' | cut -d= -f2 1B40E49FD40245D0472E4C5FD9528003835560D9
$ vim ~/.rpmmacros
$ cat ~/.rpmmacros %_topdir %homedir/RPM %packager Ulysses Apokin <ulysses@altlinux.org> %_gpg_name 1B40E49FD40245D0472E4C5FD9528003835560D9
$ vim ~/.ssh/config
$ cat ~/.ssh/config Host gitery HostName gitery.altlinux.org User alt_ulysses Port 222 Host gyle HostName gyle.altlinux.org User alt_ulysses Port 222
$ vim ~/.bashrc
$ tail -n 4 ~/.bashrc alias hasher-build='gear --hasher -- hsh &> LOG' alias hasher-build-commit='gear --commit --hasher -- hsh &> LOG' alias hasher-rebuild='gear --hasher -- hsh-rebuild &> LOG' alias hasher-rebuild-commit='gear --commit --hasher -- hsh-rebuild &> LOG'
Setting up the KVM/QEMU/libvirt hypervisor for package testing
# grep -E 'vmx|svm|0xc0f' /proc/cpuinfo
# find /lib/modules -type f -name *kvm*
# apt-get install qemu
# apt-get install libvirt virt-install dnsmasq dmidecode virt-viewer
# virsh -V
# systemctl enable --now libvirtd.service
# lsmod | grep kvm
# mkdir /QEMU # mkdir /QEMU/alt-linux-sisyphus
# vim /QEMU/alt-linux-sisyphus/network-alt-linux-sisyphus.xml # cat /QEMU/alt-linux-sisyphus/network-alt-linux-sisyphus.xml <network> <name>network-alt-linux-sisyphus</name> <forward mode='nat'/> <bridge name='virbr1' stp='on' delay='0'/> <ip address='' netmask=''> <dhcp> <range start='' end=''/> </dhcp> </ip> </network>
# virsh net-define /QEMU/alt-linux-sisyphus/network-alt-linux-sisyphus.xml # virsh net-start network-alt-linux-sisyphus # virsh net-autostart network-alt-linux-sisyphus # virsh net-list --all
# vim /QEMU/alt-linux-sisyphus/pool-alt-linux-sisyphus.xml # cat /QEMU/alt-linux-sisyphus/pool-alt-linux-sisyphus.xml <pool type='dir'> <name>pool-alt-linux-sisyphus</name> <target> <path>/QEMU/pool-alt-linux-sisyphus</path> </target> </pool>
# mkdir /QEMU/pool-alt-linux-sisyphus # virsh pool-define /QEMU/alt-linux-sisyphus/pool-alt-linux-sisyphus.xml # virsh pool-start pool-alt-linux-sisyphus # virsh pool-autostart pool-alt-linux-sisyphus # virsh pool-list --all
# wget https://nightly.altlinux.org/p11/release/alt-p11-icewm-20241212-x86_64.iso -P /QEMU/alt-linux-sisyphus/
# virt-install \ --name alt-linux-sisyphus \ --memory 4096 \ --vcpus=3 \ --cpu host \ --cdrom /QEMU/alt-linux-sisyphus/alt-p11-icewm-20241212-x86_64.iso \ --disk pool=pool-alt-linux-sisyphus,size=40,bus=virtio,sparse=true,cache=none,io=native \ --network network=network-alt-linux-sisyphus \ --virt-type kvm \ --graphics spice
# virsh autostart alt-linux-sisyphus
# virsh list --all
# virt-viewer alt-linux-sisyphus & disown
# mkdir /QEMU/Shared # chown 0777 /QEMU/Shared
# virsh edit alt-linux-sisyphus
Add the following domain XML elements to share the host directory /QEMU/Shared with the guest
<domain> ... <memoryBacking> <source type='memfd'/> <access mode='shared'/> </memoryBacking> ... <devices> ... <filesystem type='mount' accessmode='passthrough'> <driver type='virtiofs' queue='1024'/> <source dir='/QEMU/Shared'/> <target dir='shared_directory'/> </filesystem> ... </devices> </domain>
# virsh destroy alt-linux-sisyphus # virsh start alt-linux-sisyphus
Boot the guest and mount the filesystem
# virt-viewer alt-linux-sisyphus & disown guest# mount -t virtiofs shared_directory /media
Additional actions: fixing sound on the guest operating system
PulseAudio does not work with root privileges by default. Therefore, when we connect to the guest operating system using SPICE, we have no sound. This is because PulseAudio is not available for the root user. To enable sound, we would need to run PulseAudio as root, which is not ideal. Alternatively, we can allow our user to connect to the guest operating system.
# usermod -aG vmusers ulysses
# chown -R root:vmusers /QEMU # chmod -R 0775 /QEMU
Now we can connect and hear sound.
$ virt-viewer --connect qemu:///system --wait alt-linux-sisyphus &> /dev/null & disown
ALT Packaging Manual
Order of tags in the SPEC file
- Name
- Version
- Release
- Epoch
- Empty line
- Summary
- License
- Group
- Url
- Vcs
- Empty line
- Source
- Patch
- Empty line
- BuildRequires(pre)
- Empty line
- BuidRequires
- Empty line
- Requires
- Empty line
- BuildArch
- Empty line
- %description
- Empty line
- %prep
- Empty line
- %build
- Empty line
- %install
- Empty line
- %check
- Empty line
- % files
- Empty line
- % changelog
Maintainer's toolkit ALT
- Definition
- A shared library (`.so` file) is intended for use by multiple programs.
- Explicitly loaded `.so` files (e.g., plugins) are not covered by this policy.
- Policy Summary:
- Avoid placing a new soname in a package with the same name where the old soname was located.
- Packaging Libraries:
- Libraries should be packaged in a way that the package name changes with each ABI break.
- The package should be named `lib%name%abiversion`, where `%abiversion` is the variable part.
- Development parts of libraries should be in a separate (only one for each library) package named `lib%name-devel`.
- Static libraries should be in a separate package named `lib%name-devel-static`.
- Choosing the Right %abiversion:
- Use the soversion if explicitly used by library authors.
- Otherwise, choose a convenient naming scheme (e.g., sequential numbers).
- Legacy Libraries and Backports:
- Move old libraries to the 'System/Legacy libraries' group when a new version appears.
The following abbreviations are accepted in the changelogs.
- FTBFS - Failed To Build From Source
- NMU - Non-Maintainer Update